Cars with more weight on the rear wheels can have a tendency to initially understeer with throttle application, and then oversteer suddenly. This is called "snap" oversteer.
Ağırlığın çoğunluğu arka tekerlerde olan araçlarda gaza basarken önden kopma, ve aniden arkadan kopma yaşanabilir. Buna "Aani" Aarkadan Kkopma denir.
Cars with more weight on the rear wheels can have a tendency to initially understeer with throttle application, and then oversteer suddenly. This is called "snap" oversteer.
Ağırlığın çoğunluğu arka tekerlerde olan araçlarda gaza basarken önden kopma, ve aniden arkadan kopma yaşanabilir. Buna "Ani" Arkadan Kopma denir.
Cars with more weight on the rear wheels can have a tendency to initially understeer with throttle application, and then oversteer suddenly. This is called "snap" oversteer.
Cars with more weight on the rear wheels can have a tendency to initially understeer with throttle application, and then oversteer suddenly. This is called "snap" oversteer.
Cars with more weight on the rear wheels can have a tendency to initially understeer with throttle application, and then oversteer suddenly. This is called "snap" oversteer.
Cars with more weight on the rear wheels can have a tendency to initially understeer with throttle application, and then oversteer suddenly. This is called "snap" oversteer.
Cars with more weight on the rear wheels can have a tendency to initially understeer with throttle application, and then oversteer suddenly. This is called "snap" oversteer.
Aani"AarkadanKkopma denir.