Rubberband - stats: damage taken, time taken, how far across the river you made it, score: how far across the river you made it, failure: not activating rubber band, not reaching first waypoint, Notes: need a button that activates a rubber band effect that connects your carvehicle to the side of the road for the duration you hold the button, by activating this it will fling you across the river
Rubberband - stats: damage taken, time taken, how far across the river you made it, score: how far across the river you made it, failure: not activating rubber band, not reaching first waypoint, Notes: need a button that activates a rubber band effect that connects your vehicle to the side of the road for the duration you hold the button, by activating this it will fling you across the river
Transport a scrap carvehicle to the top of a cliff in preparation for an upcoming stunt. Take the Ibishu Hopper, it has the towing capacity.
Complete the course with enough speed to land a jump onto the target carvehicle and crush it. Bonus points if you can bump the carvehicle right after the hairpin!
Complete the course with enough speed to land a jump onto the target vehicle and crush it. Bonus points if you can bump the vehicle right after the hairpin!