If you are using a steering wheel, choose the same angle that your connected steering wheel is configured to (often 900 or 1080 degrees).[br][br]It's recommended to configure your steering wheel drivers to the maximum possible angle that your hardware allows, and then choose that same angle here, in this menu. That will allow you to drive a wider range of vehicles using realistic steering inputs (whether they are a quick-steering rally car or a large-steering truck).[br][br]Setting the angle:[list][*]Allows the vehicle steering wheel to match the angle of your real steering wheel (see '{{'ui.controls.lockType'|translate}}' setting).[*]Allows the '{{'ui.controls.ffb.softlockForce'|translate}}' setting to work (requires force feedback).[*]Forces the '{{'ui.controls.filter'|translate}}' setting to '{{'ui.controls.filters.2'|translate}}', for convenience.[/list]Note: if you are [b]not[/b] using a steering wheel, choose 0 degrees.