Catch the Bruckell Moonhawk in your much older Burnside Special police car.Somebody just robbed the local gas station. Witnesses say they were seen leaving in a Soliad Wendover. Find and arrest them!
Now that you're all warmed up, we're throwing you in the deep end. We need an epic jump for the second chase sequence, and if you want your spine to survive the landing I'd suggest aiming for the carvehicle shells. [br][br] Also, I told the crew to rig the bus with some nitrous , so make sure that's turned on before you start (use [action=toggleNitrousOxide]).
Now that you're all warmed up, we're throwing you in the deep end. We need an epic jump for the second chase sequence, and if you want your spine to survive the landing I'd suggest aiming for the vehicle shells. [br][br] Also, I told the crew to rig the bus with some nitrous , so make sure that's turned on before you start (use [action=toggleNitrousOxide]).
Hey, go offer the protestanti some pizza. Maybe then they'll shut up!
You're out of fuel. RollCoast down the hill to grab some, andin the racecar and grab fuel then return it to the pickup toso that we can deliver the vehicle!