Depth of Field simulates camera lens limitations that result in blurring objects out of focus. [b][*]GPU:[/b] Minor[b][*]VRAM:[/b] None[b][*]CPU:[/b] None
Anti-Aliasing will clean up jagged lines from the image. SMAA is recommended. [b][*]GPU:[/b] Minor[b][*]VRAM:[/b] Minor[b][*]CPU:[/b] None
How often reflections are updated. Higher values can be particularly heavy on performance. [b][*]GPU:[/b] Moderate[b][*]VRAM:[/b] Moderate[b][*]CPU:[/b] Major
How often reflections are updated. Higher values can be particularly heavy on performance. [b][*]GPU:[/b] Moderate[b][*]VRAM:[/b] Moderate[b][*]CPU:[/b] Major