Welcome to the skin creation wizard. The following steps will give you an overview on how to make a skin for any of the official BeamNG.Drive vehicles.
For demonstration purposes we will be using SkinExample as our skin name. The two files that can be edited have been combined in the image to the right. Once you have opened the skin files, you can click next to load the skin or finish to quit the wizard.
The left side of the image is the "SkinExample.dds". This where the main part of your skin will be done. Simply paint over the white sections with the design of your choice.
The right side of the image is the "SkinExample_palette_uv1.dds". This image is used to define which parts of your skin can be colored by the color selector. Red is the first color, Green is second color and blue is the third color. If it is transparent it will not be colored.