If your laptop is equipped with a Dedicated Graphics, you can switch from your Video Control Panel: [url=https://go.beamng.com/dedicatedGraphics]Instructions[/url]
Thanks for trying our software! :) [br][br] You seem to be running an unofficial copy. Our experience is that these can be less reliable than official releases and can contain malware, so please check your computer. [br][br] If you enjoy our product and want to support our development efforts, always enjoy the latest version and get official support, please consider buying a copy of BeamNG.drive over at [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/284160/BeamNGdrive]Steam[/url] or [url=https://www.humblebundle.com/store/beamngdrive]Humble Bundle[/url].[br][br] Thanks from the whole team!