If enabled, gearboxes will deny shifts that might cause damage as well as prevent certain mode changes for a more immersive racing experience. (For example shifting out of M mode is disallowed until you are below a certain speed)
啟用時,變速箱會杜絕一切可能造成損害的換檔行為並防止切換至特定排檔模式,以便提供更身歷其境的賽車體驗 (比如說,必須先降至一定車速才能退出變速箱的 M 模式)
If enabled, gearboxes will deny shifts that might cause damage as well as prevent certain mode changes for a more immersive racing experience. (For example shifting out of M mode is disallowed until you are below a certain speed)
啟用時,變速箱會杜絕一切可能造成損害的換檔行為並防止切換至特定排檔模式(如,以便提供更身歷其境的賽車體驗 (比如說,必須先降至一定車速才能退出變速箱的 M 模式),使駕馭體驗更為沉浸。)
If enabled, gearboxes will deny shifts that might cause damage as well as prevent certain mode changes for a more immersive racing experience. (For example shifting out of M mode is disallowed until you are below a certain speed)
啟用時,變速箱會杜絕一切可能造成損害的換檔行為並防止切換至特定排檔模式,以便提供更身歷其境的賽車體驗 (比如說,(如必須先降至一定車速才能退出變速箱的 M 模式)),使駕馭體驗更為沉浸。
If enabled, gearboxes will deny shifts that might cause damage as well as prevent certain mode changes for a more immersive racing experience. (For example shifting out of M mode is disallowed until you are below a certain speed)
啟用時,變速箱會杜絕一切可能造成損害的換檔行為並或阻止切換至特定排檔模式,以便以提供更身歷其境的賽車駕馭體驗(比如說,必須先降至一定車速才能退出變速箱的 M 模式)
If enabled, gearboxes will deny shifts that might cause damage as well as prevent certain mode changes for a more immersive racing experience. (For example shifting out of M mode is disallowed until you are below a certain speed)
啟用時,變速箱會杜絕一切可能造成損害的換檔行為並防阻止切換至特定排檔模式,以便提供更身歷其境的賽車體驗(比如說,必須先降至一定車速才能退出變速箱的 M 模式)
If enabled, gearboxes will deny shifts that might cause damage as well as prevent certain mode changes for a more immersive racing experience. (For example shifting out of M mode is disallowed until you are below a certain speed)
If enabled, gearboxes will deny shifts that might cause damage as well as prevent certain mode changes for a more immersive racing experience. (For example shifting out of M mode is disallowed until you are below a certain speed)