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String updated in the repository |
<p>The Map View gives you an overview of the level you're currently in and you can see various Point of Interess (POIs): Challenges, Quicktravel Points, Garages, Fuel Stations. You can select and filter these POIs using the controls on the left. On the right, you can see details of the POI and set a route or teleport to some of them. You can also set a route to a custom destination by clicking anywhere on the map.</p><ul><li>Press [action=toggleBigMap] to open and close the map.</li><li>Press [action=bigMapMouseClick] or [action=bigMapControllerSelect] to select a POI from the map.</li><li>Press [action=bigMapNextFilter][action=bigMapPreviousFilter] to cycle through the filters.</li><li>Use [action=bigMapMoveForward][action=bigMapMoveLeft][action=bigMapMoveBackward][action=bigMapMoveRight] or [action=bigMapMoveForwardBackward][action=bigMapMoveLeftRight] to move the camera in the map view.</li><li>Use [action=bigMapZoom] or [action=bigMapZoomIn][action=bigMapZoomOut] or [action=bigMapControllerZoom] to zoom in and out.</li></ul><p>Use these controls to open the map and set a route to any desired POI.</p>