Master a hidden jump through the trees in a Gavril Roamer. Careful control of speed and placement is required to survive the jump and make it to the checkpoint.
Ovládni skrytý skok cez stromy v Gavril Roamer. Opatrné ovládanie rýchlosti a umiestnenia je potrebné pre prežitie skoku a zvládnutie to k checkpointu.
Master a hidden jump through the trees in a Gavril Roamer. Careful control of speed and placement is required to survive the jump and make it to the checkpoint.
Ovládni skrytý skok cez stromy v Gavril Roamer. Opatrné ovládanie rýchlosti a
Master a hidden jump through the trees in a Gavril Roamer. Careful control of speed and placement is required to survive the jump and make it to the checkpoint.