A customer has requested that we drop off their Bastion once we have finished servicing it. Bring it out to their downtown residence. <br><br> GPS road markers are not activated for this challenge, you'll have to find your own way to your destination!
A customer has requested that we drop off their Bastion once we have finished servicing it. Bring it out to their downtown residence. <br><br> GPS road markers are not activated for this challenge, you'll have to find your own way to your desitination!
A customer has requested that we drop off their Bastion once we have finished servicing it. Bring it out to their downtown residence. <br><br> GPS road markers are not activated for this challenge, you'll have to find your own way to your desitination!
A customer has requested that we drop off their Bastion once we have finished servicing it. Bring it out to their downtown residence. <br><br> GPS road markers are not activated for this challenge, you'll have to find your own way to your desitination!