I done put some barrels 'round the dirtroad! This dern truck can't carry a tune in a bucket, so pull up your britches and get fixin' to go knock all'em barrels down! I reckon you got a minute or so. Mind you don't get all tore up, them nasty barrels is also hidin' in the swamp and them gosh dang bushes! No rubber-neckin' just get'r done!
This tool will delete all cached folders and move misplaced files from your Userfolder. Clearing the cache may help with issues related to missing textures, materials, and similar. The process can take a few minutes, depending on the size of your Userfolder.
You are about to perform a Deep Cache cleaning! Only mods and custom configurations will be preserved. Anything else will be moved into a backup folder. This may help if you are experiencing issues with stock vehicles, levels, materials and similar content. The process can take a few minutes, depending on the size of your Userfolder. Do you want to proceed?
This tool will delete cache folders of old versions. This doesn't impact the current version and should free up some disk space. The process can take a few minutes.